Discusion Utensa:Malafaya
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Thank you for the contribution given by article mudel, we need much contributions. Remember to put the interlinks to the other Wiktionaries, the other things will be put by us if you can't undersand Venetian. --Tn4196 (conteme) 19:31, 4 giu 2013 (CEST)
- Thanks! I don't usually bother with interwikis in Wiktionary articles because, unlike in Wikipedias, they are automatically discovered by bots (same spelling everywhere). However, the same doesn't happen with categories, which I tend to interlink. BTW, don't you have main language categories, such as Category:Ingelexe or Category:Parole n'ingelexe? Malafaya (msj) 21:24, 4 giu 2013 (CEST)
- Yes, we have. But the main categories aren't divided on the basis of the languages, but on the basis of the grammatical function (noun, verb..). The main category is Categoria:Galepin. Maybe you were searching Categoria:Nòmi in inglexe (English nouns). PS: we usually don't write "sing" (singular) near to the gender. --Tn4196 (conteme) 14:20, 5 giu 2013 (CEST)
[canbia]Yes, first I want to finish to create categories, then I will add them.--GatoSelvadego (msj) 15:57, 5 giu 2013 (CEST)
- Done.--GatoSelvadego (msj) 16:35, 5 giu 2013 (CEST)
[canbia]There was an error on a template that generates category names. An user fix it, but forgot to delete wrong categories. PS: There was also a mistake on {{-ro-}}, thanks for your report!--GatoSelvadego (msj) 11:45, 29 luj 2013 (CEST)